Wednesday 14 March 2012

Cyprus study group

2 weeks in Cyprus with the university. I was chosen one of four students from my class to go on a study trip to Cyprus so I could take part in the 3 eyes project. The point of the project was to present concepts that would eventally help Nicosia (the capital of Cyprus) become the cultural capital of the world in 2017. We had a budget of 42 million to spend over 5 years but I took a little time away from that to see some of Cyprus. We attended a workshop where Cypriots created amazing sculptures and and chiseled wood by hand with incredible detail. Skilled indeed!, The hostel we stayed in was not bad. Pretty basic but thats all we needed as we only slept in it. A bus was ordered to take us to the countryside to see the greener side to Cyprus and it was good to learn the history by visting various ruins. It astounded me as to how much our own culture is different to theirs. Lasty we were taken on a bus tour around the entire island seeing Nicosia, Pafos, Limassol and other places. It was a good trip and a great experience.
Instagram update

A Quick update on Instagram photographs. From these you can see I visited a workshop in Cyprus that focuses on the craftwork and traditional talents of true Cypriots. The nature was astounding. Blue waters, Green plants and white rock. Not something you usually see in Glasgow... Lastly today I tried the new Philly with chocolate spread. It was odd but tasted good none the less. Will definatly be buying that again!